Wspieramy ludzi tworzących technologie i innowacje
FDM to globalna sieć liderów i specjalistów umożliwiająca przedsiębiorcom i pracownikom utrzymanie przewagi i rozwój w stale ewoluującym świecie technologii.
FDM to globalna sieć liderów i specjalistów umożliwiająca przedsiębiorcom i pracownikom utrzymanie przewagi i rozwój w stale ewoluującym świecie technologii.
FDM współpracuje z wiodącymi przedsiębiorstwami na świecie, aby dostarczać im dokładnie taką wiedzę specjalistyczną, jakiej potrzebują, dokładnie wtedy, gdy jej potrzebują. Oferujemy elastyczność i zwinność, które pozwalają wypełnić krótkoterminowe deficyty kompetencji, a także zapewniamy stały dopływ talentów, umożliwiający realizację długoterminowych celów.
Szukamy zmotywowanych, pełnych pasji ludzi z różnych środowisk i zapewniamy im szybką ścieżkę do sukcesu. Oferujemy wiodące w branży szkolenia, ciągłe wsparcie i rozwój w środowisku, w którym pracownicy mogą prosperować, rozwijać się i budować swoją karierę zawodową.
FDM jest pionierską, wiodącą na rynku globalną firmą konsultingową, która od ponad 30 lat wspiera ludzi tworzących nowe technologie. W otoczeniu szybkich zmian i dynamicznego rozwoju dostarczamy przedsiębiorstwom i pracownikom umiejętności i zdolności adaptacyjne, które pozwalają im być zawsze o krok do przodu.
Do tej pory pomogliśmy rozpocząć blisko 25 000 karier technologicznych na całym świecie i jesteśmy zaufanym partnerem ponad 200 firm w skali globalnej.
Różnorodność, równość i inkluzywność leżą u podstaw wszystkiego, co robimy. Zatrudniamy ponad 5 000 pracowników na całym świecie, którzy tworzą zespół składający się z przedstawicieli ponad 90 narodowości. Zaczynaliśmy od jednego przedstawicielstwa w Brighton w Wielkiej Brytanii, a obecnie mamy 18 centrów zlokalizowanych w Europie, Ameryce Północnej oraz regionie Azji i Pacyfiku. Grupa FDM od 10 lat jest pracodawcą należącym do indeksu FTSE 250, a obecnie znalazła się również na liście FTSE4Good.
Wszystko, co robimy, opiera się na naszych podstawowych zasadach.
Jesteśmy na bieżąco z najnowszymi trendami technologicznymi i potrzebami biznesu.
Dajemy ludziom dokładnie to, czego potrzebują, aby odnieść sukces.
Działamy odważnie, aby przekraczać granice i wyznaczać nowe standardy.
Non-Executive Chairman
Non-Executive Chairman
Date of Appointment
David has over 40 years of experience in operations and technology roles across multiple industries for international businesses such as Diageo, GlaxoSmithKline, Boots, Reuters, Royal Bank of Scotland and National Grid. He also has experience in the professional services sector where he was a management consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (“PwC”). Other former non-executive appointments include Interxion Holdings B.V., HSBC Bank plc, CIS General Insurance Limited and the Department for Work and Pensions.
External Appointments
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer
Date of Appointment
Rod is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of FDM Group and has more than 40 years’ experience in the technology sector. He has been instrumental in the development of the Group into an international, award-winning employer with a prestigious client base operating in multiple markets.
Rod is a strong advocate of improving diversity in the technology industry, as demonstrated by the Group’s Women in Tech, Returners Programme, Ex-Forces and veteran career transition initiatives. In 2019, he was featured in the Management Today Agents of Change Power List for the second consecutive year. He was also featured in the Yahoo HERoes Top Advocate Executives of 2019 for his work promoting gender equality in the workplace.
External Appointments
Rod has no external appointments.
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Date of Appointment
Sheila has over 30 years of experience in both the public and private IT sectors. She spearheads FDM’s global Women in Tech initiative and Returners Programme.
Sheila was awarded a CBE in the 2020 New Year Honours List for services to gender equality in IT, and graduate and returners’ employment.
In 2022 Sheila was elected President of techUK, the trade association which brings together business, government and stakeholders to realise the potential of what digital technology can achieve. She has been invited to advise government committees on improving the digital skills shortage and gender pay gap in the UK. Her work has been acknowledged by numerous awards, including inclusion in Computer Weekly’s ‘Most Influential Women in UK Tech, Hall of Fame’. At the 2020 European Tech Women Awards, the Department of Trade and Industry recognised her outstanding achievements by conferring Sheila with a ‘Career Recognition’ award.
External Appointments
techUK Limited (President, originally appointed June 2016).
Chief Commercial Officer
Chief Commercial Officer
Date of Appointment
Andy progressed through the Group’s sales team to become Global Sales Director in 2007 and, subsequently, Chief Commercial Officer.
Andy oversees the expansion of the Group with a focus on the sales and recruitment functions. Andy’s strategic focus is around developing new service streams in line with client demands, as well as increasing the number of applicants to the Group’s Graduate programme, which are both key areas to the success and growth of the Group. Andy also played a key role in the launch and success of the UK Ex-Forces Programme.
External Appointments
Andy has no external appointments.
Independent Non-Executive Director
Independent Non-Executive Director
Date of Appointment
Michelle is an experienced senior executive specialising in technology and international communications. She was formerly the Global Vice President for Global Strategic Alliance Partnerships and Regional VP for Sales and Services at Citrix Systems. Prior to Citrix, she was Global Director of Cloud and Hosting Services at Vodafone. Michelle has previously worked at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development where she managed the Telecom, Media and Technology banking team. Michelle is a co-founder and board member of Women in Telecoms and Technology, a UK not-for-profit organisation. In 2020, Michelle joined the Strategic Advisory committee to TEDI-London, a new design-led engineering school in the UK.
External Appointments
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Date of Appointment
Mike is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
Prior to joining FDM, Mike fulfilled the roles of Group Finance Director and Chief Operating Officer in a premium listed business in the software and services sector. In addition, Mike has been an Independent Non-Executive Chair and Non-Executive Director on the boards of a number of other companies. Overall, Mike has more than 30 years’ experience of working within the technology sector in a range of senior financial, commercial and operational roles.
External Appointments
ActiveOps plc (Non-Executive Director, Chair of Audit Committee, appointed March 2021).
Independent Non-Executive Director
Independent Non-Executive Director
Date of Appointment
Alan is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
Alan was with PwC for 35 years until his retirement in 2015, including 23 years as an audit partner working with listed, private equity-backed and fast-growth entrepreneurial companies. He was a member of PwC’s South East regional board and a national leader for audit services in the private equity sector. He has significant skills and experience in financial reporting, regulation, corporate governance and risk management.
During the year following his retirement from PwC in 2015, Alan was a non-executive director with CEGA Holdings Limited.
External Appointments
Alan has no external appointments.
Senior Independent Director
Senior Independent Director
Date of Appointment
Jacqueline is a highly regarded leader in the UK technology field, with a strong reputation as a champion of women and minority voices. She sits on the board of technology trade association techUK where she has used her platform as president to shape policy over the last seven years to enable the technology industry to thrive. Her commitment to diversity and building tech skills in the sector is her driver for co-chairing the Governance Board of the Institute of Coding.
Prior to this, Jacqueline held senior executive roles at major tech companies including Sage Group, Citrix Systems, CA Technologies, Novell and McAfee International. She was previously a non-executive director at AO World plc and Home Retail Group plc. In 2019, Jacqueline was awarded a CBE for Services to International Trade in Technology.
Jacqueline is the Board’s designated Non-Executive Director for engagement with the Group’s workforce, enabling employees to share ideas and concerns with senior management and the Board.
External Appointments
Independent Non-Executive Director
Independent Non-Executive Director
Date of Appointment
Rowena is highly regarded for her experience in investment banking and corporate broking, and her insight into the public markets. She has a strong reputation for helping businesses to implement their strategies effectively to generate growth and create value.
Rowena began her career in Sydney as a corporate lawyer at a leading Australian law firm. She moved to the UK in 2004 and joined Investec Bank plc (“Investec”). As a director in Investec’s Investment Banking division, Rowena provided strategic advice to public and private companies and led corporate transactions across a variety of sectors, including business services and technology. In 2017 she moved to Tenzing Private Equity, an investor in high-growth UK and European SMEs, where she has been the appointed non-executive director for various companies within the Tenzing portfolio.
External Appointments